This will be the fourth year Santiago J. Gonzalez has donated his artist talent to one of his many worthy cause. This year will be his first enlarged heart submitted. The title for this year is an oil painting "Picnic by the Rio Grande". A self taught artist who remembers drawing during elementary school and being scold for not completing and turning in classroom assignments. He has donated his many art works for auction to the Lutheran Adult Social Service, West Texas Food Bank, Teen Challenge, Centro de Agricultura de los Trabajadores Agricolas, and most recently to the St. Stephens Cross Arts Auction. Raised in South El Paso and a graduate from Bowie High School he decided to give back to his Segundo Barrio community. In 1981 in celebration of the Four Centuries Celebration he painted the "Paso Del Norte" mural inside the Senior Citizen Center in South El Paso. The 10x20 mural depicts a Conquistador and Spaniard Friar overlook the Rio Grande with the Franklin Mountains in the background. He specializes in still life, landscaping in oils and pastels. His a member of the El Paso Art Association and enjoys painting on Sundays while listening to oldies but goodies.